Less Boundaries + More Fun = More Profit.

By Colin Clapp

The keys to successfully growing your business more profitably rest with how well you turn your thoughts and ideas into ‘game-winning’ plays.

In his autobiography, ‘Jack’, the former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch devotes an entire section to initiatives that he called ‘Game Changers’; initiatives that propelled GE to even greater success than they were already enjoying. He starts the section by referring to ‘boundaryless behaviour’, a concept that allows ideas to come from anywhere based on a culture that was ‘wild, sometimes humorous and informal’. As Welch says, the net effect is very powerful. In GE’s case, ‘boundaryless behaviour’ created a place where ideas can flow freely from and through more than 20 different businesses and more than 300,000 employees.

So what you may ask? Well here’s what ‘game changers’ can do…

During the 1990s, GE pursued four major ‘game changer’ initiatives; Globalisation; Services; Six Sigma; E-Business. Each of these initiatives started with a smaller idea, that once fed into GE’s ‘operating system’ was nurtured and allowed to grow organically. By the end of the decade, the impact of GEs’ ‘wild, sometimes humorous and informal’ culture showed up where it was supposed to; in their results. From 1995-2000 their top-line growth doubled and their operating margin increased from 14.4% to 18.9%.

Welch led GE for two decades during which time he raised the company’s market value from $13bn to more than $550bn. All significant improvements by any organisational standards.

Which begs the question for businesses, large and small; what are you doing to make sure ideas can flow freely in your organisation? When was the last time you allowed your teams to be ‘wild, humorous and informal’?

If the answer pricks your conscience, then maybe it’s time to lighten up and enjoy a fun day out. There are no shortage of team building games and ideas that could unlock the creativity you need to propel your business towards more profitability.

Remember, Less boundaries + More fun = More Profit!

To success and significance. Give. Take. Invest. Enjoy.


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About the Author Colin Clapp
Chief responsibility and joy is being a loving and supportive partner and dad. If I mess this up, (as I do from time to time), I do my best to learn and grow. My blogs and vlogs are one way to help me do that. You can also find me helping other bloggers to 'Make Friends with Google' (aka SEO) at https://onlinemarketingdone4you.com.

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